Understanding Carpet Stains: Types, Removal, and Prevention

Stains on a carpet are inevitable. It will happen eventually no matter how often you remind your family and guests. You cannot stop your guests from coming into your space with their shoes, or ask to keep the dirty plates in the kitchen or using coasters while taking any beverage. It seems like anything that shouldn't be on a carpet always does.

There is always a fear that your beautiful carpet will be ruined with hard-to-remove stains! There are numerous possible stains to watch out for. Are you searching for the best carpet stain removal techniques from carpet? Then it is crucial that you’re aware of different types of stains, how much stain affects the carpet & some carpet cleaning tips! It will prevent further damage to your gorgeous carpets.

Carpet Stains: What They Are, How to Get Rid of Them

Water-Soluble Stains

These carpet stains are frequent and are easy to remove. They consist of soda, alcoholic drinks like beer and wine, jelly, fruit, and fruit juices.

The best way to remove such a stain is to clean it while it is fresh. Remove the solid pieces and blot them with a little water. Use the water & mild hand dish soap solution and blot again. Please do not rub! Otherwise, it will cause the liquid-based stain to seep deep into the carpet fibres. Once the stain is removed, ensure you rinse it thoroughly. Clean it ensuring that there will be no residue left.

Protein-Based Stains

protein-based stains like blood, dairy, any bodily fluid, meat and any meat juices are water-soluble stains that need special care. The enzymes present in these water-soluble stains become darker while in contact with heat or any acidic item. It grabs tightly onto the carpet fibres.

Such stains on your carpet should be treated with cold water immediately. It stops the blood from soaking into the carpet deeply. Use grease-fighting dishwashing liquid and spray it until the blood stain gets wet completely! Blood stain removal from carpet provides effective cleaning, restoring the carpet’s appearance and cleanliness.You can also take one tablespoon of ammonia diluted with water instead of dishwashing soap. You can replace ammonia with hydrogen peroxide if you have a white carpet. Dry the carpet completely before rinsing it in cold water.

Oil-Based Stains

Such stains in carpets are difficult to remove. The fat and oil-based stains naturally stick to the carpet surface. You can use a coating as it is helpful in the stain-cleaning process. Lipstick stains, frying oil stains, salad dressing stains, and petroleum jelly stains are a few examples of this sort of stain.For professional carpet cleaning, the best carpet cleaner for oil stains ensures effective, long-lasting results with superior expertise and advanced solutions.

Follow your carpet manufacturer's guidelines. For water-soluble stains, use a mild dish soap and water solution. For dry cleaning, place a cloth or paper on the stain and iron it to absorb fat and oil.

Wax & Gum Stains:

Carpet stains from gum and wax can penetrate far into the fibres. Compared to oil-based stains, it is quite challenging to get rid of. They can seriously harm the carpet if you try to scrape them off. When eradicating these stains, extreme patience is required. Call us as we have got the expertise & experience to do the job better than anyone else.

Use ice to freeze gum or wax on the carpet fibre. Break it with a blunt item, vacuum the pieces, and dry the carpet with a clean cloth. Absorb any remaining liquid with a moist cloth! Finally, rinse well, and let the carpet air dry. 

Cigarette Stains

Cigarette smoke can leave behind persistent yellow stains and a pungent odour on your carpet. Unfortunately, getting rid of nicotine stains is difficult and requires assistance from experts. We have used specialized cleaning techniques to get rid of such stains from its roots.

Dirt & Mud-Based Stains

wet dirt like mud lands on the carpet and gets harder and very much hard to remove! It forces the dirt deeper into the carpet's fibres. The mud needs to be treated exactly like blood or any other protein-based stain because it is made up of decayed organic material.

Urine Stains

Pets and kids frequently leave urine stains on carpet surfaces. These stains appear gradually and are only discovered much later. If not taken care of right once, it will permanently harm the carpet's fibres and dyes.

Use a black light to identify old urine stains, outline them with chalk, absorb them with white towels, blot with a damp cloth, treat them with a vinegar and water solution, clean with non-bleach detergent and water, and finally rinse and blot dry.

The end notes

Mishaps happen! However, keep in mind that cleaning a carpet on your own necessitates knowledge of various carpet types and carpet stains. You must have ideas about the appropriate cleaning products and equipment to use effectively! Keeping carpets in pristine condition is a challenging task for homemakers. Don’t take the risk! For a stress-free, time-saving and faultless carpet cleaning job, always opt for a professional carpet cleaning company in Kensington! Book an exemplary carpet cleaning service Now!Experience gorgeous cleaning services that transform your space into a spotless sanctuary.

Nikolay Koychev